Video Information:
ShabdYog Satsang, Month of Awakening
15th April, 2019
Advait Bodhsthal, Greater Noida
कहै नानकु हरि पिआरै जीउ गुफा अंदरि रखि कै वाजा पवणु वजाइआ ॥
Says Nanak, the Lord placed the soul to the cave of the body, and blew the breath of life into the musical instrument of the body.
वजाइआ वाजा पउण नउ दुआरे परगटु कीए दसवा गुपतु रखाइआ ॥
He blew the breath of life into the musical instrument of the body, and revealed the nine doors; but He kept the Tenth Door hidden.
~Anand Sahib, (Guru Granth Sahib)
The LORD God formed man from the dust of the ground,
and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life;
and the man became a living being.
~The Holy Bible (GENESIS 2:7)
How life begins according to bible?
Why do the scriptures say that God breathed life into man's body?
What was in the beginning?
Music Credits: Milind Date